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My Support CARES

Our values as a company are

  • Client Centered

  • Achieving Goals

  • Responsive

  • Effective

  • Safe

Read below to find out more:

Client Centered

•Staff know about your background, likes, hopes and needs. This includes any needs you have because of your age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or sexuality.

•You are encouraged to express your views, no matter how complex your needs are.

•You have access to advocates (people who speak on your behalf).

•You are always asked to give your consent to care and support in a way you can understand, and you are given as much choice and control as possible.

Achieving Goals

•Goals are usually based around supporting your wellbeing.

•Your goals will be driven by your aspirations. They should be realistic, evolving, achievable and meaningful.

•They should address your real concerns and dilemmas, achieving positive outcomes through support, encouragement and teamwork.

•Working with us, you have an enhanced quality of life, regaining confidence and independence.


•Your care, treatment and support are set out in a written plan that describes what personalised care you receive.

•You and your family are actively involved in developing this plan and it reflects your personal choices.

•As your needs and preferences change, your plan is changed, and all those who need to know, like other services, are kept up to date.

Best practice and new research is followed to ensure you have the best quality of care.


•The organisation is well-led to assure the delivery of high-quality care for you, to support learning and innovation and to promote an open and fair culture.

•You are introduced to any staff who are going to provide your care and they are chosen because they can provide you with the right care, based on their knowledge, qualifications and skills.

•You are regularly asked for your views, and systems are in place to improve the quality of the service you receive.


•You feel safe and protected by staff who treat you with dignity and respect. They have time to develop trusting relationships with you and are concerned for your wellbeing.

•You are protected from being bullied, harassed, harmed or abused.

•Staff give you your medicine safely and store it correctly.

•Staff deal with incidents and accidents quickly and openly (and investigate them if necessary) and they learn from mistakes.

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